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Southern Virginia University Women's Soccer
Coach Ryan Foster


  • Posted May 22, 2012

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  • Posted May 11, 2012

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  • Posted May 11, 2012

    Exact Sports Camp.
    I have been invited to be a staff coach at the Exact Sports Camp in North Carolina during the week of July 9-12. I really look forward to this, and think that it will be very rewarding experience for me, and all of the campers. If you're interested, I'm pasting the link for registration below.


    Story exact sports logo
  • Posted April 25, 2012

    So the semester is rapidly winding down, and everybody is focused on one thing: FINALS!
    I remember when I was taking them, so I know this is a hectic time. The great thing is that we have such a smart team, and I am very confident in the performance for our team. Good luck ladies, and I hope you all have a great summer.

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  • Posted April 17, 2012

    A good spring!
    We wrapped up our spring season with a trip to Bluefield for a 7v7 day. We played well against Milligan scoring the first goal. (Great job, Jackie!) Unfortunately we had a couple of breakdowns in the second half, and gave up two goals to lose that game 2-1. I saw some really good things though, as are passing was good, our movement off the ball was aggressive, and we were taking shots on goal.
    Our second game started with some really bad luck as we surrendered an own-goal. It's hard to be mad at those, especially when our players were working hard to get the ball cleared, and the ball blooped in. Oh well. We regrouped well, and great effort by Jade saw us tie up the game. We had chances for the win, but I'm happy overall with the performance. Spring ball was great, and I saw a lot of improvement. Looking forward to the fall based off of this performance. Now to finals, and then summer break. Hopefully spring ball motivates all of us to be ready for August.

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  • Posted March 29, 2012

    Spring Soccer.
    We've had three great weeks of soccer here in the spring. The team has been really focused, and we've looked good. I like the dedication, the attitudes, the effort, and have really enjoyed these practices here in the spring. I'm very optimistic about the fall, as we have solid returners, and we are hoping to have quality recruits in to bolster the team. All in all, I'd say it is a good sign of progress, and I think we're setting a good foundation for the fall.

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  • Posted March 16, 2012

    March 24 Open House.
    We hope that everyone who has the opportunity will be able to join us for the March. 24th Open House. Attached is the link to RSVP, as well as get answered any questions you might have about what an open house is. There is usually an open kick-around for anyone interested. With D.III rules, coaches cannot be present, but it is an opportunity to meet with the team, and play with them. We hope to see you there.


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  • Posted March 05, 2012

    Spring Break!
    It's spring break time here at Southern Virginia. What that means is any number of players are off doing something fun. Spring soccer will start up soon, so hopefully they enjoy their fun while they still can before they have to work hard on the field, and right before they have to take finals and finish out the semester. Hope everyone's spring break is enjoyable as well.

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  • Posted February 23, 2012

    Mary Washington Prep Camp.

    I have been invited to take part in the Spring Prep Camp at University of Mary Washington. For those of you in the are, who might be interested, below is the information. They've let me know they'll try and give me players in my group who are currently my recruits. Hope to see some of you there.

    Saturday, 2nd of June 2012
    ? Who: The UMW Spring College Prep Camp is open to any girls from 9th grade to 11th grade in High School.

    ? Where: The University of Mary Washington's Battleground Athletic Complex (Fredericksburg, Virginia). (2 artificial turf fields, 2 Bermuda Grass Fields) and the UMW Campus recreation Field (artificial turf)

    ? What is it: This is your opportunity to be trained and observed by college coaches. There will be two sessions. Session 1 will be small sided technical training, while ses-sion 2 will feature tactical training and match play.

    Coaches and Colleges Attending:
    Camp Director: Corey Hewson—Head Coach, University of Mary Washington
    * Tommy Hagerty—Mary Washington * Jeff Bowers—Virginia Wesleyan College
    * Graeme Millar—Stevenson Univ. * Matt Grawrock—Southern Va. University
    * Liz Pike—Shenandoah University * Steve Brdarski—Longwood University
    * Mike van Horn—Bridgewater College * Susan Kolb—Eastern Mennonite University

    ? Cost: 85$ - Includes instruction from college coaches, on site feedback, camp t-shirt.
    Sample Schedule:
    830am– Check in 1245-130pm NCAA Q and A
    915 –1115am: Session 1 145-400pm: Session 2
    1115-1245pm: Lunch

    Registration Begins on
    February 25, 2012 @

    Limited to first 120 field players and 10 Goalkeepers (first come—first enrolled)
    Enroll Early—Our Last Prep Camp filled in 40 days!!!!

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  • Posted February 22, 2012

    Pre-Game Southern Virginia Soccer.

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