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Southern Virginia University Women's Soccer
Coach Ryan Foster


  • Posted December 08, 2011

    Southern Virginia Admissions Open House.
    Anybody who might be interested in visiting Southern Virginia University and playing soccer is invited to register for an admissions open house. This will be an opportunity to tour the campus, meet with faculty and staff, meet the soccer coaches, and maybe even stay with players depending on your arrival. The next open house is Jan. 28. The link to register is here. http://www.svu.edu/admissio...
    We hope to see you there!

    Story dsc3243
  • Posted December 02, 2011

    Team Banquet
    Last night we had our season ending banquet. It was great to get together, eat some good food, and reflect on the season. We had a great video done by Amber Key, as you can tell. We also acknowledged our season ending team awards:
    Most Inspirational Player- Stephanie Blanchard. This girls really appreciated her attitude and commitment after a season ending injury.
    Most Improved Player- Kim Sprague. She came to work hard every practice, and made a very visible improvement in her offensive and overall performance.
    Most Valuable Teammate Award- Laura Schow. If I was playing, I'd want a teammate just like her. She give you everything both on and off the field.
    Most Valuable Player- Michelle Riddle. A great way to end her career! She was a solid player for all of her time hear, and helped us through some rough patches this season. Thanks for a great year ladies!

  • Posted November 28, 2011

    One of the things I'm asked a lot is about financial aid. We're moving to D.III which does not provide athletic scholarships. Southern Virginia University offers great academic aid for students who perform well in the classroom, so we always look for the best students knowing they will get a good chunk of aid on that end. The university has some added aid based on need so that adds in as well. A great tool for every incoming student regardless of where they go is a site called fastweb.com This is a great site that provides scholarship information. They have a ton of scholarships on the site, and there is information that helps a student know how to apply for a scholarship, the dates they need to know, and how much the scholarship is worth. There is plenty of money out there for college, it just takes the proactive students to go out and find it! This would be a great gift to get for Christmas: Money for college! The link for fastweb is here:

    Story r 1543 1065
  • Posted November 23, 2011

    Happy Thanksgiving!
    I hope that everyone has a happy holiday. In the spirit of thanksgiving, I wanted to note that one of the things that I am grateful for is the opportunity to coach the women's soccer team here at Southern Virginia University. I could be stuck with a desk job, or any number of unpleasant occupations, so it is indeed a blessing to coach a soccer team as my job! I am grateful for the team I have, and for all of their efforts and hard work. I'm excited for the spring, and what our recruiting holds for the 2012 season and beyond.
    Have a happy and safe Thanksgiving!

    Story dsc2904
  • Posted November 17, 2011

    Story svu no shadow
  • Posted November 17, 2011

    Best Wishes Bryndel.
    This is Bryndel Kindred. Enjoy the picture because she won't be a Kindred for long! The Southern Virginia University Women's team wishes Bryndel the best as she gets married this weekend. We hope everything goes well, and look forward to seeing you back on campus in a couple of weeks. Congratulations Bryndel and Steven!

    Story dsc0826
  • Posted November 11, 2011

    My favorite team quote of the year. "Coach I have a date this weekend, and I'm going to be aggressive on it. Just like you taught us!"
    For the record: I don't approve of being aggressive on dates! Furthermore, I meant to be aggressive on the soccer field.
    But I guess the girls heard what they wanted to hear. More to come.

    Story svu2446
  • Posted November 08, 2011

    Story 2011 wsoc team 2 web
  • Posted September 05, 2011

    Sept. 3, 2011
    Great Showing Against VMI- Taking on our second D.I opponent of the season, the girls played a tremendous game. Showing a lot more confidence in the system, and in each other, we had 60% of the possession for the game against a D.I team! We completed 251 passes, with Jackie Barlow and Laura Schow each connecting on 29 passes! Unfortunately we didn't take enough shots, while the Keydets were shooting every chance they could get. Ultimately we had two lapses in our defense, and couldn't get enough shots on the goalie, losing 2-0. A lot of positives though, as this was the best result we've ever had against a D.I team. It's very good news heading forward for the season. Next up W&L. Hope to see lots of fans there.

    Story wsoccervsscsu 26
  • Posted August 25, 2011

    Calling On All Southern Virginia Women's Soccer Parents, Players, Recruits & Fans:
    Please take the time to fill out the questionnaire to your right. This way we can help keep you up to date on what's going on with the current team, updates from alumni, and general info for our program.

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