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Butler Community College Women's Volleyball
Coach Rick Younger


We would like to invite you, your friends, your teammates, and/or your team to come to our high school skills and drills nights (grades 9-12). We will be hosting this on select Wednesday nights at our gym. During this session we will go over specific skills, do drills, and then scrimmage the rest of the time.

High School Skills & Drills Night

The Wednesday session nights will be as follows: June 5th and 12th and July 3rd, 10th, and 31st. We will go from 5-7 PM. $10 dollars at the door or $40 in advance for all five sessions. Butler Community College Gym 901 S Haverhill Rd El Dorado, KS 67042

June 5th, 2013
July 31st, 2013